Wednesday 18 July 2012

Planning Meeting No.2

Hi folks,
We have had a really nice day here in Chester with the sun showing itself for most of the day, however, ominous black clouds came and went all day with a few bringing the odd shower.  At least its warmer now than of late.  Forecast for the weekend looks promising, at least we hope so for Saturday.

We're off to Fernwoods tomorrow for another planning meeting.  I think the intention this round will be to finalise the hull plan so Jim at Alexander boats can get started on the hull.  I'm hoping we'll get a date for when the base plate will be laid soon and hope to find out more tomorrow, fingers crossed.

Meanwhile Amy's bedroom is now fully decorated and I have my study back to normal.

Amy's new wardrobes waiting delivery of the doors

Her TV and Sky box all set up although temporarily until the new unit arrives
Chris and I think the floral pattern is a tad OTT but Amy likes it and that's all that matters as it is her room after all.

On Saturday Chris and I are off to Rugby as we are both booked on Willow Wren's RYA Inland Waterways helmsman course.  Although I've helmed all sorts of boats in my time and we have had several canal holidays we both feel it best to attend such a course.  Whilst I have helmed a few hire boats on holiday we can both can always benefit from proper tuition and Chris, who rarely helms, will benefit the most.  I'm hoping Chris will come away from the course more confident to have a go when AmyJo is on the cut.  At least she'll be able to handle the boat if I am incapacitated in some way.  I can't expect her to work the locks all the time now can I? :-)

Oh well that's all for now.  I hope to have some more news after tomorrow's meeting with Fernwoods so, until next time....TTFN


Jo Lodge said...

Will keep my fingers crossed that you get your date ;0)

nb AmyJo said...

Hi Jo,
No exact date but great news, AmyJo's baseplate will definitely be laid in the next few weeks according to Fernwoods. Will blog with more info later tonight or tomorrow