Wednesday 26 June 2013

Bad Back and 3D Boredom

Hi all,
It's not been my week this week.  Whilst having a clear out of our loft stuff I then took it to our local tip recycling centre an pulled a back muscle emptying some cardboard into the skip.  Now the cardboard was not heavy nor did I struggle to put the cardboard into the skip but as I lent over I felt a twinge in my lower back.  I thought nothing of it until next morning when I tried to get out of bed.  The pain was unbearable and the room started to spin so I eased myself back under the covers.  

A few days later whilst dosed up on pain killers I managed to get to the doctors to find I've done nothing more than torn a few muscle fibres so am relieved.  Having been advised to take it easy for a few days I've had a few days off work and will return tomorrow on light duties as the pain killers are helping and the pain is subsiding slowly though I fear a few more weeks yet before all is normal.

It not the first time this has happened and will not be the last.  I put a disk out in my lower back after a car crash when I was eighteen and every now an again it moves ever so slightly sending my back muscles into spasm.  There is no rhyme or reason for it.  It never happens the same way or same motion so cannot be avoided.  Seems this time my arm movement at the same time as the muscle spasm also resulted in a few torn muscle fibres as well.  

So with time on my hands and boredom setting in I started to play with Google's Sketchup putting our interior thoughts into a 3D model so Chris has a better idea how AmyJo's interior may look and here is the end result

This is only a rough idea as the fine details have still to be finalised but it does give some idea.  Please ignore colours and textures as Sketchup is limited on choices.  It also does not include the back cabin and loo as this is very much a blank canvas that we are leaving for Fernwoods as they have electrics etc that they need to get in.  We prefer to leave the design to them, plus, we have to keep some things to the last minute otherwise there would be no interest for you now would there :-)

Friday 21 June 2013

Bit of deck bling

We wanted some form of lockable deck filler for the diesel and water filling point for AmyJo.  With the price of diesel these days you never know.   I knew they were available and so looked around tinterweb and in keeping with the Chromium look we want we found these the other day and they have just arrived.

Not sure its necessary to lock the waste fitting (can't imagine anyone would want to nick the contents) but it does match the other two so completes the set.  Whats nice about these is the lids  are hinged, not connected by chain, so no dropping them overboard if the chain breaks.

We have no pictures of AmyJo for the time being but Fernwoods are having an open day at the factory on 6th July so hopefully we'll have something for you then.  

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Here's what to do with your doggy do!

Just read Jo' Coalwoman's  blog and it has a link to Maffi's blog which in turn has an excellent post.

We live near a field used regularly by dog walkers and I suffer too with doggy do.  I intend to put up a poster advertising Tesco's offer, who knows it may encourage them to it pick up when their dog do's it doodoos.

Well done Maffi for bringing this to our attention.  Keep up the good work

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Shades of Grey

Now the excitement of AmyJo's move is behind us and Crick just a memory Chris and I have received the first draft of the styling notes from Fernwood with a list of things we need to think about.

One of these is the styling for the wall panels in the wet room.  We really like our new bathroom at home that had grey marble tiles and decided we would like to reproduce the colouring in AmyJo's wet room.  We have ordered several samples from PolyRey and have been spoilt for choice but narrowed the list down to 3,trouble is we cannot make our minds up as to which to choose

Our 3 choices from which we need to choose

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The one we think would be OK

P1020132 - Copy
Or maybe this one

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We like this but it might be a tad too dark

We have yet to make the final choice and there is no reason why we have to have just one I guess.  As we will be at Fernwood's open day on the 6th July we're thinking of taking them along and trying them in a boat that's in build to see how they look with the timbers.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Crick boat show winner

Just a quick post today.  Anyone know which boat won best in show at Crick?