Friday 21 June 2013

Bit of deck bling

We wanted some form of lockable deck filler for the diesel and water filling point for AmyJo.  With the price of diesel these days you never know.   I knew they were available and so looked around tinterweb and in keeping with the Chromium look we want we found these the other day and they have just arrived.

Not sure its necessary to lock the waste fitting (can't imagine anyone would want to nick the contents) but it does match the other two so completes the set.  Whats nice about these is the lids  are hinged, not connected by chain, so no dropping them overboard if the chain breaks.

We have no pictures of AmyJo for the time being but Fernwoods are having an open day at the factory on 6th July so hopefully we'll have something for you then.  

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