Sunday 2 November 2014

October Cruise Day 5 – Wrenbury to Barbridge

Continuing our trip back to Tattenhall on the Llangollen canal we set of today and spent the day working our way down the locks starting with the three Baddiley locks. Today boats were travelling up stream so working the locks was easier as we d the other crews assisting.
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At Swanley No 2 lock it was clear why the closure of this lock was needed. Someone had damaged the sill guard and the bottom of the gates were passing quite badly.

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The weather today was the opposite of cold and wet and was actually quite warm again when the sun came out which it did most of the day
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With the flow in our favour we made excellent time downstream and by lunchtime had reached Hurlston locks. By now a hire boat had caught us up so together with their crew and the chatty lock volunteer we had met on our way up we soon got down the 4 locks onto the Shorpshire union
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It was apparent that the moorings were fully utilised at the foot of the locks but today we were aiming for Barbridge so that did not worry us.
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When we reached the bottom of Hurlston locks it looked like the boat with the damaged rudder had been repaired as the lock landing was free. We later found out the lock keeper had moved the two other boats off and had only allowed the damaged boat to remain.
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As we arrived at Barbridge and were just about to go passed the Barbridge in the boat moored outside pulled off. We had booked a meal in the inn for the evening so as they pulled of we were able to reverse into heir spot right outside the door. With a little daylight left I did what Del on Derwent6 enjoys most, polished the Chromium in or case.

Total distance:7.18 miles Elapsed time:5h34m0s Locks:9 Bridges:26
Average speed:1.29 mph (2.91 lock/mph)

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