Saturday 22 November 2014

Splash down

Not had much to blog about since our last run out.  

We did get a visit from Richard and Sharon on nb Oakapple in the early evening when we got back and whilst we sat chatting Mark and Corrine from  nb Dee O Ghee called to say hello,  so the kettle was soon back on and the lemon drizzle cake demolished.   Later that evening we had arranged to meet up with Richard and Sharon along with our mooring neighbours Paul and Shella in the marina clubhouse for a drink but when we got there at 8pm they had just closed the bar.  We quickly arranged transport and de-camped into Tattenhall and spent a great evening in the Sportsman's Arms instead.

This weekend the weather looked quite promising.  Chris needed to do some Christmas shopping in Chester so this morning we prepared AmyJo for the off and cruised into town.

View from the cratch as we slipped the mooring this
 We had a lovely slow run past the Golden Nook moorings with the sun warm on our backs.  Many moan about these moorings but for us its a time to chill and wind down as we pass the moorings.  By the time we reach the far end of them we are as relaxed as we can be

Looking back towards Golden Nook moorings
 We passed a few boats on our way towards Waverton and then passed through Egg bridge.  If you intend to stop there over the next few days you cannot stop on the moorings by the bridge as C&RT have their work boat and a wide beam barge moored there.

At Christleton just past the Cheshire Cat Inn one of the gardens had these lovely stones placed by the bank.  A simple idea but still very cute. 

Owl cute are these little fellas
 We started our descent through Christleton lock and then Greenfield lock.  Here more C&RT work boats and barges are moored up.  The barges are all empty and I wonder if they are being prepared for dredging as there are so many, or for the lock closures in January.

Empty barges line the offside upstream of the lock
At Tarvin Lock the lock keeper's cottage look lovely in the sunshine as did the newly painted water tower on the outskirts of the city.  There is something about this tower I like.  I think I mentioned it before that I like the ornate style of the brickwork.

Tarvin Lock Cottage  

Fresh paint on the water tower
All was going well and we made good time but that all changed at Chemistry lock!  Chris found the lock against us which was strange as we had not long passed a boat coming the other way.  She turned the lock but try as she might she could not open the gate.  I nosed AmyJo alongside and helped Chris open the gate then tuning to AmyJo found her stern had drifted out into the cut.  I got on board amidships and made my way down the gunwale to the stern.

That was when I christened the boat properly and found myself waste deep in the cut.  I had some how slipped off the gunwale.  Fortunately AmyJo was in neutral and I had the centre line in my hand.  Off course there had to be a group of Gongoozlers to hand but luckily none had a camera with them but I bet it made their day.  I scrambled ashore and pulled AmyJo to the bank.  Once in the lock I retired below to get a change of clothes before continuing.  As the lock emptied it was clear why Chris could not open the gate.  The lower gate on the onside had sagged by 3 inches and was not sealing with its opposite number.  The flow between the gate was considerable making filling the lock difficult.

We found a mooring just upstream of the new Waitrose supermarket and then took the opportunity to do a big shop.  After that we strolled into town to Christmas shop.  We got nearly all our prezies in under 2 hours!  Now that I like. 

Chester has its own Christmas market, whilst nowhere near as big as some, it does seem to be getting better each year.  The high streets are also adorned with Christmas lights.  With a mild and dry night the whole town centre looked very festive.

Chester Clock and the street lights

Chrismas tree and market outside the town hall


Halfie said...

How did I manage to miss this post? I bet the water was cold! My own unplanned bathing experience was four years ago in the Thames in summer. My biggest problem was getting out - fortunately a nearby boat had an emergency ladder.

nb AmyJo said...

The water temperature was not to bad as it happens, surprisingly not as cold as I thought it would be. just my ego that froze.