Thursday 27 October 2011

All signed up

Hi all, trust we are all well?,

We're not blogging much these days as to be frank there is not a great deal to tell you.  The one piece of good news is we signed the contracts for our house move and now have a provisional moving date of 11th November.  So, provided the other parties agree, we move on 11/11/11, should be easy to remember.  All that puts a doubt on that is one outstanding local search due in this week all being well

That leaves just a little over 10 days to pack so the race is on.  We are gearing up to notify all the service companies and have sorted out a removal firm as well.

If you are thinking of moving and still have the kids at home who are over 17, treat them well.  As young adults in the UK they are entitled to tenancy rights, something that we had not heard of.  This means, like us, you will need to get them to sign a form stating they will vacate the property when you move.  We gave Joanne and Amy the choice, "sign or your out"    Win, win situation for us really :-) 

Its a sad fact of life that these days 23 and 26 year olds like our Amy and Jo have no chance of getting on the property ladder.  On the wages the girls earn they would struggle even to rent a flat.  The only hope our girls have is an inheretence left by grandparents or us.  As we have no plans to pop our clogs we have no choice but to let them stay at home.

This gave us a bit of an idea last night.  When AmyJo is built, Chris and I will live aboard during the summer months and charge the girls a small rent each.  So that way the bungalow remains occupied and we can rest assured the place is looked after.  It also means the bank of dad can remain sovent too!


Lisa said...

Dear Steve and Chris
Well done on this all going through so well, now a moving date too, brilliant, I hope it all continues.
We are going to Fernwood's tomorrow, I will take some pictures but i am not sure there will be much to see,

nb AmyJo said...

Hi Lisa,
Hope all went well at Fernwoods, bet you are getting excited as the build takes shape.

We still find it hard to beleive things are actually starting to happen and the house as now resembling a packing depot :-)