Thursday 10 November 2011

Frustrating delays

Hi All,
  We had hoped to be moving tomorrow and hence why no posts, but due to the lady in the Bungalow we are buying being unable to get a removal firm until the 21st we are still in our old house.  

We are now all ready to get moving and are fed up living in a house with every room full of boxes.  We have even had to unpack some!

As we have been packing the house up over the last week and the move delayed we decided to take the weekend out and visit the North Petherton Carnival in Somerset.  This carnival is well worth the visit as the floats can be 100 feet long and look absolutely fantastic here is one example
The procession can consist of over 50 floats like the one above and takes 3hours to pass you.  Sadly this was cancelled due to the tragic accident on the M5.  Such a shame a joyful event should end so tragically don't you agree.

We feel we had a lucky escape from this as we came off the motorway the junction before the accident location and only 30minutes before it happened.  As you can guess we feel so lucky as we could have stayed on to the next junction but decided not to.  If we had stayed on the motorway who knows, we could have been a statistic of that sad event.   As we drove along the A road that runs parallel we drove through what we thought was fog and now realise it was the edge of the very smoke cloud that is thought to have caused the accident .

Well that's all for now.  Next time I post will be once we have moved into Marina Drive so do keep safe and warm on the cut.

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