Friday 11 February 2011

Strong winds and a rampant wheelie bin

Hello Everyone,
Not had much to post about at the moment, the viewings are going well enough though no offers yet.  We have some more couples coming on Saturday to have a look so we are still positive we might get a buyer yet.

Meanwhile, I have been busy with the DIY jobs and have now completed the decoration of the downstairs loo (a room 3 feet by 6 feet, that was fun).  Just outside to do now.  Started clearing the wind debris from the pond and lawn and tidied up some of the flower beds.  The garden now looks reasonable instead of a forest for now.  I've also Jet washed the drive and tidied the flower beds

How has everyone managed in all the strong winds? 

I see those on the cut had a tough time, if it's not snow and ice it's wind, hope everyone is not too shaken up.  During the last bout last Thursday my neighbour leaned into a 40mph + gust and called over "Great day for sailing Steve".  I was about to reply with a suitable retort but, as we both watched her wheelie bin scuttle down the road on it's own like a demented robot, I think she realised what I was about to say :-)

The planning for AmyJo is still in hand though slowly for now and Chris and I are hoping to go to Crick for the two days to have a good look round.  Looking forward to seeing what boat Ken and Julia from Fernwood are displaying this year.  We always enjoy looking at their boats.  Who knows we might meet some of our readers with a bit of luck.


Lisa said...

We are going to Crick, hope to meet you. Last year Julia and Ken had very nice wine....

nb AmyJo said...

Hi Lisa,
We'll be there both days so will keep an eye out for you. Hope the build its progressing well?

nb Chance said...

Hi Both
Just came across your blog, and will look forward to the coming months with interest, we are doing the same and going back on the cut after having 2 years back on dry land. We miss the life the canals and rivers offer and can't wait to start again. Also at Crick as our builders are showing our boat so may see you there!!

Steve & Chris said...

Hi James,
Thank you for following our blog Chris and I hope you enjoy our musings. I see Chance is coming along very nicely, you will have a lovely boat when she is finished. MGM are doing you proud.

We'll definately make and appointment to see Chance at Crick so look forward to meeting you then.
Steve and Chris