Wednesday 3 June 2015

Finding the dot in the sky and an unplanned stop over in Liverpool.

Our mooring Neighbours Paul and Sheila together with Jacky on the other side of us have been moored in Salthouse Dock in Liverpool for the last 12 days to see the 3 Queens celebrate 175 years of Cunard. We could not cruise with them due to work but arranged to meet up on Saturday. We caught the 11am train leaving our car in the station car park and in no time we found ourselves sat out in the dock jetty in the warm sunshine with a glass of wine together with Sheila, Paul, Joe and Dave.

These Classics were available to ride in for a £20 donation

Albert Dock and a lovely cabin cruiser
Some of the moorings in Salthouse lock
The three boats on left are nb Ducks Deluxe just in shot, nb Abbey Rose and nb Third and Final.
Not love locks but  locks none the less engraved with dates and the event - 3 queens visit Liverpool
It was decided we would eat out in the evening and then have a drink elsewhere. We had a super Chinese banquet in the Mayflower restaurant and then we decamped to the well known Flannagan's bar for a great evening drinking and dancing. We enjoyed ourselves so much we were asked to stay over so, as we had already missed the last train home, we stayed on nb Ducks Deluxe for the night or should I say a few hours as it was 3:30am before we got to bed!  Jacky was elsewhere so we had the boat to ourselves.

Left to right Dave, Steve. Dave, Joe, Brian, Chris, Paul and Sheila in the Mayflower Cihnese restaurant
Dave polishing Joe's head in Flanagan's bar

Chris makes Joe's crack up with laugter

Having a great time though they don't look it in this picture

The first of many more
Sunday was yet another sunny day so to recover from the previous night we all sat outside catching up and chatting to passers by. At tea time Sheila rustled up a super meal for us then, as Paul needed to be back for work next morning, he ran us back to the car park to pick up our car. We eventually got back to AmyJo at 9pm. All in all a fantastic day/weekend out. Our thanks to Sheila and the group for providing us with a wonderful weekend with lovely memories of a great time had by all.

Chris and yours truly enjoying the sunshine

Could have stayed there all week
When AmyJo was in her planning and build phase we both decided we would not have Satellite TV but use Freeview in built in the TV instead. The thought process was that we would be too busy cruising and exploring to be watching TV. A decision we recently regreted, I did though allow for sat TV to be fitted later by havng a Maxview Arial box installed in the cratch.

The Maxview Arial box in the cratch with the two satellite cables connected
Now we're living aboard and mostly marina bound due to work commitments we have found that we miss the recording function of our Sky box at the bungalow necessitating a once a week trip back to catch up on our favourite programs at the house.  Whilst we're working this is not too much of an issue, however, when we're continually cruising this clearly will not work.

Whilst at Crick we looked at the portable Freesat system with a freesat+ box that Was being sold by Martyn Hicks on his stall.  This would enable us to record programs.  On Monday Martyn came to the boat and installed it all for us and showed me the best way to find the dot in the sky.  It was a good job we went with the maxview box as it made fitting the Freesat a simple task.

Freesat dish on the roof

Today a thought occurred to me, and after checking with Martyn I discovered that we can actually use our Sky box with the dish we now have so have swapped the Sky box at home with the FreeSat box we bought. This means we'll not have to commute back to catch up on our TV programs but can watch them on board when days are grotty like the last couple of days have been. Happy daze :-)

I set to and added another shelf in the cabinet to hold the Sky box and voila.....

New shelf allows the Sky box to tuck in nicely

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