Friday 22 March 2013

Its snowing outside

Good morning readers,
As I type there is a blizzard coming down outside and we've had an inch of snow overnight.  Who would have thought yesterday was the first day of spring heh.

This is only a quick post as I'm off to work shortly.  There is not much to say except AmyJo's build is coming along nicely and we are going to visit Jim at Alexander Boats on the 4th April.  He reckons she should have most of the cabin completed by then and is currently working on her Josher bow, and we cannot wait to see that as Chris and I feel this will give AmyJo her character.  I take plenty of photos when we visit.

According to Fernwoods if all goes to plan AmyJo will be moved to their workshops at the end of April.  Well thats all for now, a have a date with an awkward program that is refusing to work.  Keep warm out there and do be careful in this snow please.


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