Saturday 24 November 2012

Here we go AmyJo

Chris and I paid another visit to Alexander boats today.  For Chris it was the first time she could actually see something real.  Like me on my last visit she was like a kid with a new toy.

We parked up and walked into Jim's shed and there was AmyJo.  We could not believe how much Jim had done in such sort time.

Does my bum look big in this?
Jim has the sides in place and all the ribs.  The swim was there and so was the stern floor.

Chris standing at the bows, thinks we're gonna
need an intercom system, or semaphore flags.

Jim was starting to put the last plates of the hull sides in place as we walked in and her hull was starting to resemble a boat.

AmyJo now looks even longer
We walked to the bow and found Jim had cut this to shape already to take the plates that will eventually make the Josher bow

Chris simply could not resist and wanted to walk inside to get a good feel for AmyJo.
No Chris its not going to be the Jacuzzi,  its the engine bay! Silly

Chris playing hop scotch with AmyJo's ribs

Chuffed to bits or what?

It getting difficult to fit all of AmyJo into the picture frame now
 After an hour looking over AmyJo and having a cuppa and a chat with Jim we headed home in the rain.  We'll leave Jim to it for now and we'll visit again in two weeks time as our friends Derek and Vicki are coming to stay next weekend.  Meantime Jim will continue to send us photographs of his progress to wet our appetites.


Paul and El said...

Looking good guys, when is the launch date :-)

nb AmyJo said...

Hi Paul,
Not soon enough :-)

Jo Lodge said...

So excited for you both, as I know how your feeling right now as we felt the same when Hadar was being built. We were lucky we saw her progress everyday. Looking forward to watching her progress xxxx

nb AmyJo said...

Hi Jo,
Yes we are pretty excited to say the least. We're like two school kids at the moment enjoying watching our new toy being made :-) Its so cool to see the changes as AmyJo comes together.

We have never seen a narrow boat built from scratch before, its so interesting to watch.