Saturday 8 September 2012

Tantalisingly Close

Hi All,
Just a quick post today.

Had an email update from Jim at Alexander Boats.  Seems the hull he is building should be finished at the end of the month and when its moved to Fernwoods he can start on AmyJo.  Not sure how long we'll have to wait for the current hull to move out and so now it looks like October at least for the build to start.   Oh well, sometimes it does seem like for ever this waiting game but we know it will be worth it in the end.



Jo Lodge said...

Remember good things are always worth waiting for. Before you know it you will be out on the water xxxxxxxxx

nb AmyJo said...

You are absolutely right of course Jo.

I do hope the build starts before long though. I would rather launch early in the year so we can enjoy AmyJo in the summer. If she's launched in the Autumn we may have problems getting her home to Chester as the canals start to close for winter maintenance.