Saturday 3 December 2011

At last we're settled into our new home!

Hi all,
Well the good news is we finally moved into the bungalow on the 24th as I last posted.  It's taken BT until yesterday to get our broadband sorted so we could not post until now.

At 8.30am the removal men turned up and loaded our home into a huge lorry and a large van. It was quite emotional when we finally shut the door for the last time and handed over the keys.
At this point upstairs was empty and only the first panel of the lorry was packed
They worked tirelessly all day and finally unloaded the last box into our new home at 8.30pm.  We reckon we got our moneys worth from them but the 3 guys were great lads and we had a good laugh with them.

So now we're living amongst boxes in the bungalow and we have proven you can actually fit a quart into a pint pot.

You can just make out Joanne among the boxes on the left.
We are all getting used to living in a smaller space which for Chris and I is great as we will be used to it by the time AmyJo is launched.  The bungalow needs a lot of work so there is plenty for us to be getting on with.  The first task is to sort out the kitchen as it's a real mishmash of badly fitting cupboards.  We knew this would have to be done before we moved in, what we did not expect as we started to measure up was AmyJo's kitchen will actually be slightly larger than the one at home!  We don't even have a cooker at the moment so are living on ding meals as Chris calls them (microwave meals that is) for now.

We have not stopped for five minutes since we moved in trying to get everything sorted and are enjoying opening the boxes to unpack.  It's a bit like Christmas come early as we know we packed and labelled things but we still cannot find things so go a hunting in the boxes.

Our new home is quite cosy and we already feel settled despite the boxes.  The bungalow is tiny looking from the front so we nicknamed it the Tardis as inside it's actually a good size.  We're looking forward to Christmas now and getting on with AmyJo's planning in the new year.  Our adventure has actually started and we cannot waitRoll on Spring!

Thats all for now folks


Jo Lodge said...

Congratulations on moving into your new home. Have a fantastic Christmas and all the very best for 2012 xxx

nb AmyJo said...

Hi Jo, thank you and you both have a great Christmas yourselves.