Saturday 19 October 2013

Tiller Pin, the end result

Hi all,

We just got our tiller pin ornament back from the plating workshop today and we’re really happy with the result


Unfortunately the photo’s do not do the chromium justice as it looks like the brass is still showing through but in fact they have done a superb job.  I found a small firm call Niphos Metal Finishing in Crewe who did the work and they only charged me £20.00, I think that's a good price.

We also took delivery of our captain's chair for the saloon during the week so our home is starting to look more and more like a chandlers at the moment.

We're off to Fernwood's again on Monday so should have some more to report on progress.

1 comment:

Mark and Corinne said...

The tiller pin looks great. We know what you mean about the home looking like a chandlers.