Sunday 13 January 2013

Winter Visitors

Hi all,
There is not much to report on AmyJo's progress at the moment.  With the Christmas holidays not far behind I doubt Jim will have done much to her.  I am hoping to visit next Saturday so hopefully I'll have something to report.

In the mean time with the dark evenings I've taken to reading the blogs on a regular basis and realized John and Fiona on Epiphany were heading our way.  Now I read Fiona's article in Canal Boat magazine so with a bit of cheek I arranged to meet them in Chester.

John and Fiona aboard Epiphany
I do wander if I am taking liberties sometimes doing this and do hope my requests to feet up are not too forward but it is nice to actually meet the people whose blogs I read.

I want to thank John and Fiona for their hospitality as we chatted for some time about various aspects of boating and I have to say they are a mine of information which if you ever visit their blog will be apparent.  Their blog is full of very useful information and is well worth a visit,  they obviously have gone to a lot of trouble to make the information available for us all to make use of.

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